Have a Happy Holiday—Illness-free! | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

Nothing says, “Bah humbug,” like getting sick over the holidays. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants to help you prevent that from happening this holiday season by offering you some words of advice on what you can do to stay healthy!

There’s Nothing Worse Than Being Sick during Christmas

With so many holiday activities and gatherings going on in and around town over the holidays, the last thing you want to happen is being stuck at home sick. Read on for a look at steps you can take to protect your health.

The flu season reaches its peak between December and March. You can do several things to help prevent the flu, including:

  • Receive a flu shot.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Drink lots of fluids.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Get plenty of sleep.

Germs spread more rapidly during the winter season because we’re often cooped up inside, with little air circulation. If someone in your house or office is sick, you may want to pop open a window or door for a little while to allow fresh air inside. Take an extra step, too, and disinfect all surfaces, particularly those touched often during the day, like light switches or door knobs.

Finally, don’t let stress get the best of your health. Between cookie baking, ornament decorating, holiday parties and shopping—on top of all your other daily requirements—stress can take over before you even get a chance to say, Merry Christmas.

As a result, you need to do everything you can do to avoid stressful situations. Whether that means delegating some tasks or doing your holiday shopping online to avoid crowds, do whatever you need to do to lower your stress.

Did sickness strike already this holiday season? Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis as soon as possible so that we can help you feel as good as new just in time for Christmas!